
Vol 2 No. 24 June 16, 2023

Grow Your Agribusiness

Vol 2 No. 24 June 16, 2023

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Hi STARR Bajan Learner,

This week’s focus is agriculture, the source of our food supply and a pillar in our country’s development. The importance of agriculture runs deep in our lives. Taking part and investing in agriculture helps improve food security and sustainability. Why not start that agribusiness or commit to nurturing that kitchen garden? Gain the skills you need along with the methods and best practices you’ll learn about in the NTI-Coursera courses below.


Missed this week’s Midweek Mindset

Veronica Jones shared her journey to becoming a freelance Social Worker who trains persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship, specifically in the areas of agroforestry and garment-making. Her zest for serving others is infectious. Catch up on the show to add some positivity and life lessons to your day.

Recommended Courses

Click on any Course below to Register and Enroll

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University of Western Australia - Beginner Level - Approx. 9 hours to complete

Learn best practice farming for 2050 and start to implement these strategies now, all the while making sure it will still be profitable.

Bocconi University - Mixed Level - Approx. 5 hours to complete

Learn about nature, policy, technology and management strategies to overcome future challenges and seize upcoming opportunities in agribusiness.

University of Florida - Beginner Level - Approx. 19 hours to complete

Cover the agricultural and urban water quality issues in Florida, their bases, land and nutrient management strategies, and the science and policy behind the best management practices (BMPs).
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University of Illinois - Beginner Level - Approx. 19 hours to complete

Learn the problem-solving skills needed to advance animal health and food production through optimal management practices.


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